DONT FORGET your Qualifiers!
If you or your spouse are covered by a QuickChek medical plan, you will need to complete and verify your Qualifier results before AUGUST 12, 2016 in order to be eligible for a discount on your 2017 medical plan premium.
You must complete the following qualifiers:
- Qualifier #1: Metabolic Screening – Complete by May 31
- Qualifier #2: Wellness Physical – Complete by June 30
- Qualifier #3: Health Risk Assessment (HRA) – Complete by June 30
To better understand these activities, the QUALIFIER TOOLKIT provides step-by-step instructions to help you complete each of the qualifiers. The Toolkit walks you through what you need to know, and what you need to do. It also tells you what to expect and provides specific resources on how to be the healthiest YOU. Click HERE to view the Toolkit.
For a TIMELINE to guide you through what you need to do prior to OPEN ENROLLMENT so you can meet the Qualifier, click HERE.
Questions? Check your Qualifier Toolkit for more information or speak with your Team Leader. You can also contact our Benefits Team, Nancy Rumpf at or (908) 534-7359, or Linda Solt at or 908-534-7263.
Why complete the Qualifiers? It maximizes your opportunity to be healthy while minimizing your medical plan premiums! Simple as that.
Remember, completing the Qualifiers is the key to your discount on medical premiums.
It’s your responsibility to review your qualifier results on the benefits portal, MY QC Benefits!