If you or you and your spouse are covered by a QuickChek medical plan, you need to complete three qualifiers BEFORE JUNE 30, 2015, to be eligible for a discount on your 2016 medical plan premium:
- Metabolic screening
- Wellness physical
- Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
To better understand these activities, you will receive a Qualifier Toolkit that provides step-by-step instructions to help you complete each of the qualifiers. This toolkit will walk you through what you need to know, and what you need to do. It also tells you what to expect and provides specific resources on how to be the healthiest YOU.
[alert title=”” bg_color=”#2d6ea7″ text_color=”#fff”]CHECK YOUR QUALIFIER RESULTS ONLINE!
Be sure your qualifiers are recorded on My QC Benefits. If your results are incorrect, there are steps you need to take to confirm proof of completion. Remember, completing the qualifiers is the key to your discount on medical premiums. It’s your responsibility to review your qualifier results![/alert]
Act now! Make an appointment for your metabolic screening and schedule your wellness physical with your doctor.
QUESTIONS? Check your Qualifier Toolkit for more information, speak to your Leader or contact our Benefits Team:
Linda Solt (908)534-7263
Kim Scully (908)534-7274
Nancy Rumpf (908)534-7359
Why? It maximizes your opportunity to be healthy while minimizing your medical plan premiums. Simple as that!